Sex and Relationship

Therapy in Texas

Rekindle Your Passion and Connection with Sex and Relationship Therapy!

Has the spark fizzled out in your relationship? Maybe life is getting in the way, causing the thrill and passion in your bedroom to all but fade away.

Or, perhaps you have a specific sexual challenge that’s cramping your style? Maybe low sex drive or performance jitters are keeping you from experiencing the great sex you desire.

If you’re struggling with sex in any way, know that you’re not alone. I’ve got your back.

Enter Sex Therapy – the spark to ignite the sexual fire in your life.

Here’s the deal – sexual issues can cast a shadow on overall relationship satisfaction. Left unattended, they might just sneak into other corners of your life–making life feel unexciting or overly stressful. But don’t worry; a skilled sex therapist can be your guiding light.

Imagine this: you team up with a highly effective sex therapist to uncover the issues that are tossing a wrench into your sexual satisfaction. Think communication roadblocks, past traumas, or sexual dysfunction. When you feel like you’ve tried it all, sex therapy is here to bring you the solutions you are looking for, using simple and clear steps.

Client Testimonials

I’ve helped hundreds of couples
find their passion again.

Ready to unlock the sex life you're craving? Dive into the world of Sex and Relationship Therapy with me.

In my quest to bring more love and connection to the world, I will guide you toward fulfilling sexual relationships based on mutual understanding, emotional intimacy, and dripping in sexual pleasure. Let’s create a space where you can explore and embrace every nuance of your relationships, fostering better connections and a deeper experience of love.

Through holistic counseling, mindfulness, and a focus on nurturing connections, I’m on a mission to make sure you feel the satisfaction of loving relationships and mind-blowing sex. Each journey is unique, and I will always tailor my approach to your specific needs.

I can help you navigate:

Together, we’ll work on effective communication, mind-body harmony, relationship satisfaction, and resolution of past traumas – I’ve got you covered.

LPC supervision Texas

A Certified Sex Therapist who knows what you’re going through.

Growing up in Costa Rica's Catholic traditions, I was surrounded by strict societal norms dictating proper behavior for young women.

When I got older, I decided to study psychology, but I was surprised to find out that my courses didn’t really teach me about human sexuality. The only thing I had to learn from was a monthly Cosmo magazine, which was fun but didn’t give me all the information I needed.

Because of this, my first relationships, even though they started with lots of passion, began to lose their excitement. I really wanted a deeper connection, but I didn’t know how to bring back that special feeling of desire.

Determined to bridge this gap in my knowledge, I embarked on a journey that led to becoming a Certified Sex Therapist through the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT).

I also immersed myself in ancient teachings like Tantra and Taoism, gaining insights into the deep connection between emotional and physical intimacy. This journey transformed not just my understanding of relationships, but my entire being.

My mission became crystal clear: to create a movement of loving, kind sexual freedom and empowerment. With each life I touched, I spearheaded a crusade for passionate awakening and helping couples feel connected again in ways they have not been in years.

What makes me different: Versatilty

My philosophy in sex and relationship therapy integrates my core values of inclusivity,
non-judgment, and compassionate growth.



I am affirming and supportive of diversity, specially the LGBTQ+ community.


Open Relationships

I guide those in polyamorous and ENM relationships through their challenges towards fulling connections, addressing conflict, jelousy, and despair with supportive strategies.


Religion and Morality

I welcome couples and individuals from conservative backgrounds, ensuring therapy aligns with your values and moral standards.

What’s the difference between
Therapy and Coaching?

Therapy dives into the past, exploring emotions and seeking understanding. 

Coaching is all about the present and future. 

Both have their individual perks but also share similarities like setting goals and developing skills.

Not sure which option is best for you? Let’s chat and figure out what best suits you.

What's holding you back from reawakening your relationship?

You deserve a life bursting with love and connection, and you’re definitely not alone on this journey. 

So, what’s stopping you? 

Let’s kick-start your journey today!

Using Insurance for Therapy Sessions: What You Need to Know.

I don’t bill insurance companies directly, but I do provide superbills, which are itemized medical receipts. These receipts can be submitted by you, my client, to your insurance company for reimbursement. 

It’s important to note that you are responsible for the payment at the time of each therapy session. However, by using the superbill in conjunction with your insurance plan’s out-of-network mental health benefits, if available, you may be reimbursed for a portion or even the entire cost of your therapy sessions. 

Additionally, mental health services may qualify as a medical expense tax deduction, which you could potentially claim.


Do you struggle with?

  • Mis-match libido
  • Reaching orgasms
  • Low sex drive
  • Erectile struggles
  • Premature ejaculation
  • “Sex addiction”
Don't wait any longer to address your sexual concerns. Make an appointment today!

Online Resources

Building confidence: we can support you build confidence in your sexual abilities and feeling more comfortable expressing your desires and needs.


Workshops can help create a more satisfying and fulfilling sexual relationship by

  • Improving communication: learn how to communicate effectively your desires, needs, and boundaries.
  • Enhancing intimacy: slowing down and being mindful can create a deep sense of connection.
  • Improving sexual technique: We teach about sexual techniques, positions, and other aspects of sexual pleasure, which can help you increase sexual satisfaction.
  • Building confidence: we can support you build confidence in your sexual abilities and feeling more comfortable expressing your desires and needs.