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Revitalize desire, feel the spark and enjoy deep intimacy

A transformational 6-week program for couples who are ready to reignite the flame and evolve from companions to passionate lovers.

Losing the spark is more common than you think

It’s common in long-term relationships for the burning desire to simmer down. Everyday routines, stress, and life’s predictability can make relationships feel mundane and monotonous, making you feel disconnected. If you’re feeling stuck in this situation, remember – you’re not alone, and there’s a path forward.

"My husband and I have both been able to grow and unlock so many things. I feel like I'm on the path to trusting myself more."

-lisa and John-

Testimonial names have been changed to protect people's privacy.


Does this sound like you?

  • You often come home exhausted, with sex being the last thing on your mind.
  •  You’ve tried to regain your sex drive but despite your or your partner’s effort, your sensual flame is stubbornly refusing to ignite. 
  • Deep down, you adore your partner, but sometimes the pull of a relaxing evening with your favorite Netflix series is more tempting than getting sexy with your partner. 
  • It’s confusing, and you want clarity. You yearn to comprehend the ‘why’ behind your lack of libido. Above all, you crave the return of your sexual drive, the rekindling of your passion. 

Imagine the Possibility

What if I told you there was a better way?

Whether you’re dealing with low desire or perhaps feeling a bit of shame about your sex drive, let me assure you, it’s never too late to rekindle that spark! With simple and effective tools, I’ve helped hundreds of couples transform from feeling helpless to feeling hopeful and excited about their relationship again.




A transformational 6-week program for couples who are ready to reignite the flame and evolve from companions to passionate lovers.

The Curriculum

What You'll Learn

In this course, you’ll be guided by a certified Sex Therapist to help understand your and your partner’s desires and how to keep the flame alive even in the midst of busy day-to-day life. You’ll walk away with the tools for better communication and playful tips to increase desire and passion in and outside the bedroom for years to come.

Week 1

Understanding Desire: Increase Sexual Satisfaction

Dive into the depths of each other’s desires. This exciting week is filled with explorations and discoveries, aiming to increase arousal, spontaneity, and overall satisfaction in your intimate moments. You’ll have a whole new perspective on your sexy times together, keeping things fresh and exciting.

Week 2

Heart Talk: Boost Your Relationship with Better Communication

Time to get comfortable talking about the important stuff with your partner. You’ll learn how to tell your partner what you want without mix-ups, awkward silences, or fights. You will finally feel like your partner is really hearing you and can show up in the ways you need.


Week 3

Tell me what you want: Boosting Pleasure by Expressing Your Desires

Good communication helps you understand each other better and feel closer. In this course, we’re going to learn to communicate in a way that feels safe and comfortable. Additionally, we’re also going to talk about how to keep things exciting in your relationship, because who wants things to get boring? We’re going to shake things up and keep that spark alive!

Week 4

Mastering Initiation: Sparking Pleasure & Connection

Learn to overcome the fear of rejection and understand your and your partner’s needs and desires. Discover how to confidently initiate intimate moments that is mutually enjoyable and satisfying. You’ll learn more about what you really want in bed and what your unique desire type is.

Week 5

Awakening Desires: Explore Sensation Play

Connect with your body on a deeper level and communicate your likes to your partner more effectively. Explore Sensation Play, an engaging approach to utilizing all your senses, increasing curiosity, and strengthening the connection with each other’s bodies.

Week 6

Keeping the Flame Alive: Continue Thriving Over Time

Equip yourself with the knowledge and strategies to keep your relationship thriving and passionate for years to come. Learn to schedule intentional time together and integrate your sexy skills into your daily life. Get ready to embrace a more fulfilling and vibrant partnership that stands the test of time.

I’m not here to ‘fix’ you, because you’re not broken. I am here to share with you the tools that we all wished we had before.

Ignite the fire now!


This price is much cheaper than therapy and it is very effective


Hear real sexy stories


I feel hopeful again. Vielka helped me feel more confortable with my body.

— Anne Marie


I never imagined I could feel this way.

— Roxane


We are so playful now. Talking about sex is not awkward anymore.

— Peter and Angela

Ready to feel the butterflies?

Great lovers are made, not born
Learn how to become one now!


Vielka Kano

Growing up, I was always in two minds about sex. It was everywhere, right? But with a Catholic upbringing, there was this voice saying it was wrong to even think about it. At the same time, I was super curious and courageous to explore these conflicts between desire and guilt.
This whole experience shaped me into the person I am today. I’m someone who gets it, who won’t judge, and who will stay close to your heart. I am totally a sex geek and became AASECT Certified Sex Therapist, with a Psychology degree from Costa Rica and a Counselor degree from the US. 
I’m all about making you feel loved and accepted, no matter what you’re into. I’m not here to ‘fix’ you, because you’re not broken. What I want is to go on a journey with you, to discover what makes you tick, and to help you understand your own desires.  I’ve been through the challenges of love and sex feeling the whole range of emotions, just like you, so I get it. We’re in this together!

Next step is…

  • Ready to dive in? Book your spot in the ‘Ignite’ program and start transforming your relationship today!
  • Want to explore more before committing? Schedule a call with us to discuss your relationship goals and how the ‘Ignite’ program can help you achieve them!

Do you struggle with?

  • Mis-match libido
  • Reaching orgasms
  • Low sex drive
  • Erectile struggles
  • Premature ejaculation
  • “Sex addiction”
Don't wait any longer to address your sexual concerns. Make an appointment today!

Online Resources

Building confidence: we can support you build confidence in your sexual abilities and feeling more comfortable expressing your desires and needs.


Workshops can help create a more satisfying and fulfilling sexual relationship by

  • Improving communication: learn how to communicate effectively your desires, needs, and boundaries.
  • Enhancing intimacy: slowing down and being mindful can create a deep sense of connection.
  • Improving sexual technique: We teach about sexual techniques, positions, and other aspects of sexual pleasure, which can help you increase sexual satisfaction.
  • Building confidence: we can support you build confidence in your sexual abilities and feeling more comfortable expressing your desires and needs.